How to Stand Out From the Crowd and Surpass the Competition
With numerous cut-backs, lay-offs and shut downs, the labor pool is growing and competition is increasing for openings at all levels. Hundreds may apply for a single job. So, how can you ‘stand out from the crowd’.
Make use of the tools available to you today
There are so many great online sites for doing job search research. Aside from job boards that post jobs, identify companies you want to apply to. Search out employees who work for these companies and make every effort to establish a connection with an employee who works for this company. LinkedIn is a great tool for this.
Before you are interviewed
Go to the company website. Read about their products, services, goals, and challenges. Get to know the company and their officers. You want to appear more knowledgeable about the company than your competition.
Build your Internet presence
Start to become known in your field. How do you do this? Get your name out there in a good way. One way is to build out your LinkedIn profile OR Join associations and organizations in your industry and start to ask questions on their elists. OR, write a blog pertinent to your area of expertise. These are all ways to market and build your personal brand.