4 Steps to Take if You Think You’re Being Laid Off

If you are one of those who has not prepared for this economic slump and massive job layoff, realize that it is never too late to take action. Perhaps, your company is planning to downsize, or has already taken steps and you are one of the casualties. What should you do now? How do you maintain balance and momentum? Here are a few things to think about: Know your objectives and what you are willing to change. Are you willing to move to another area for a job? Do you know what areas in the country are recession proof?  Are you willing to or even wanting to change your industry? Recession-proof and growth industries include: oil and gas, pet supplies/stores, logistics/technical/environmental consulting, movie/video production, urban transit and support for transportation services, some government functions, etc. Most importantly, know what you want! Develop a plan and follow it. List out those companies you might wish to work for, look on the Internet or in the classifieds, and do the research. There are companies and industries that are hiring today, especially those in the health and education fields. Talk with recruiters, employment/temp agencies and your network of contacts to gather information. Stay focused and plan ahead for the upcoming day. Get your career documents in order. Make sure your resume is up-to-date and well-written. There are oodles of competitors in the job market. Your career documents have to be easy to read and clear with the right key words. Make sure you include a ‘branding statement’ that makes you stand out from the crowd of job seekers. Develop a strong cover letter. It gives you another way to ‘sell your skills and value’ to a prospective employer. Keep moving and maintain a peak-performing state of mind. By this I mean, get out of the house, if you are unemployed. Volunteer and give back. Join organizations to stay active and meet others. Make sure to have a routine that includes exercise. Today’s job search is more competitive than it’s ever been. The smart candidate knows that it takes energy, thought and focus to move ahead. What are you waiting for?

So You Landed the Job. Now What?

You did well in your job interviews and now the time has come to prove yourself. What can you do during the first 2 or 3 months in your new job to insure success? How do you handle a new work environment, a new team, new company policies, new computer systems … new, new, new! Whenever you get a job offer, it is a very encouraging and positive time. You know you have what it takes, and now someone else in the business world recognizes your talents. But, that feeling of elation may change the first day at work when you are expected to dive in and perform in a job environment that is unfamiliar, one that is made up of people you do not know. Here are some things to think about:Learn the culture. Listen a lot and watch what goes on, so that you will begin to know how things are done. Get to know your co-workers, and ask questions  about how things work. Become aware of business practices and guidelines. If the dress code is suits and ties, do not wear jeans and sneakers. Get to know your colleagues, find a trusted co-worker. Know your boss and adjust your style slightly so that it is not at odds with his/hers. Determine what is important to your boss and what can wait? Ask for scheduled one-on-one meetings with your boss, so that you can find out what your boss thinks you are doing well and what you need to improve. On-going communications are key to good working relationships with your boss and others. Determine what is expected of you. Set goals with your boss. Put together a development plan with time frames to make self-improvements. Take the initiative when you can and when it makes sense to do so. Manage expectations and be careful not to over-promise. It is better to under-promise and over-deliver. This will pleasantly surprise your boss. These are just a few of the things that will help you adjust to a new work environment, and become successful in your new job!

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Syndee Feuer
  • Certified Professional Career Coach
  • Certified Personal Branding strategist
  • Certified Professional Resume Writer
  • Certified 360 Reach Analyst
  • DISC Certified by Thomas International
  • Masters in Education
  • Business background with Fortune 500 companies including ATT Wireless, Convergys Corporation, New York Telephone (now Verizon)
  • Member: Professional Association of Resume Writers & Career Coaches

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