What Employers Are Looking For in a Resume
How often have I heard this from clients: A company I am interested in wants a resume and I do not now where to begin. I have an old resume, but I know it is not good.
Resumes today are different than those of 15 or 20 years ago. Your resume is your marketing tool and it has to have a compelling message that makes you ‘stand out from the crowd’.
So, how do you move forward?
Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I know what to include in a resume?
- How will I brand myself to meet potential employer expectations?
- What sets me apart from all the others who are applying for this position?
- What have been my major accomplishments?
Answers to these question will help you in resume development and will send a clear message to a potential employer. This kind of information must be included in your resume to aid you in getting noticed by a potential employer.